

  • 트위터
  • 인스타그램1604
  • 유튜브20240110


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민복진: 무브망-조각의 선 MIN Bokjin: Mouvement-The Line of Sculpture


민복진: 무브망-조각의 선

MIN Bokjin: Mouvement-The Line of Sculpture

2022.11.29 - 5.28 


MIN Bokjin Museum of Art Yangju

민복진, 무제, 연도미상, 종이에 연필, 30×60.5cm

MIN Bokjin, Untitlied, n.d., Pencil on paper, 30×60.5cm

‘무브망-조각의 선’은 조각가 민복진(1927-2016)의 드로잉을 통해 그의 조형관을 살펴보려는 기획전시이다. 민복진은 조형에서 무엇보다 ‘무브망’을 중요시했다. ‘무브망’은 근대 조각사에서 인체의 움직임을 3차원의 공간에 재현한 동세의 인식을 설명하는 개념이었지만, 오늘날에는 시간과 흔적을 다루는 다양한 예술 매체에서 사용된다. 과거부터 오늘날까지 많은 예술가가 시간의 흐름, 찰나의 순간과 같은 재현 불가능한 것을 재현하고자 여러 방법을 시도했다. 민복진에게는 ‘무브망을 향하는 선의 움직임’이 불가능한 재현을 가능하게 하는 방법이었다. 그것을 알 수 있는 것이 바로 그의 드로잉이다. 드로잉은 작품 구상의 기초로, 민복진의 조각에 가려져 잘 드러나지 않았지만 돌, 브론즈 등 재료의 한계에 부딪히기 이전, 그리고 그 이후 작가가 추구했던 고유의 ‘무브망’을 짐작할 수 있게 해준다. 민복진 예술의 조형성에 주목한 이번 전시를 통해 그의 작품이 가족의 사랑을 전하는 매개를 넘어서 그 자체로 존재하는 예술임을 확인하는 시간이 되었으면 한다.

‘Mouvement-The Line of Sculpture’ is a special exhibition to shed light on the idea of sculptor MIN Bokjin through his drawings. MIN Bokjin emphasized ‘mouvement’ more than anything else in plastic arts. In the history of modern sculpture,'mouvement’ was a concept to explain the perception of movement that reproduced the movement of the human body in a three-dimensional space, but today it is used in various art media dealing with time and traces. From the past to the present, many artists have tried various methods to reproduce the non-reproducible things such as the passage of time and the fleeting moment in life. Since each attempt is not a reproduction of reality as it is, the artist’s unique insight and intuition are bound to be revealed. For MIN Bokjin, ‘the movement of the lines toward the mouvement’ was the method that made impossible reproduction possible. His drawings testify to that. Drawing was the basis of his work plan, and although it was hidden behind his sculptural works, it lets us presume the unique ‘mouvement’ he pursued before and after he faced the limitations of materials such as stone and bronze. We hope that this exhibition will be an opportunity to confirm that his work is an art that exists in itself not only as the medium of conveying family love.

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03015 서울 종로구 홍지문1길 4 (홍지동44) 김달진미술연구소 T +82.2.730.6214 F +82.2.730.9218