

  • 트위터
  • 인스타그램1604
  • 유튜브20240110


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화가의 벗: 시대공감 YOON Jung-sik’s Friends and Contemporarie


화가의 벗: 시대공감

YOON Jung-sik’s Friends and Contemporarie

4.27 - 6.30 


Seongbuk Museum of Art

윤중식, 귀로, 1953, 43.5×50cm, 캔버스에 유채

YOON Jung-sik, The way home, 1953, 43.5×50cm, oil on canvas

성북구립미술관은 한국 근현대미술사의 주요 작가인 윤중식, 박수근, 이중섭 작가의 3인전 ‘화가의 벗: 시대공감’을 개최한다. 본 전시에서는 일제 강점기와 해방, 6·25전쟁이라는 시대적 아픔을 겪으면서도 예술적 동지와 교우하며 화업을 이어갔던 작가의 생생한 역사가 담긴 작품이 전시된다. 아울러 근대 서양화가 도입되던 시절부터 자기 고유의 화풍을 이룩하기 위해 작가가 시도했던 조형적 실험과 내밀한 노력의 흔적이 드러난 작품 및 자료도 함께 선보인다. 이번 전시는 격동과 변화로 점철된 한국 근현대사를 살아낸 화가가 공유했던 시대적 감성뿐만 아니라 그 가운데서도 독자적인 예술 세계를 이룩해나간 화가의 열정과 순수함을 다시 한 번 되돌아볼 기회가 될 것이다.

The Seongbuk Museum of Art presents the three-person exhibition YOON Jung-sik’s Friends and Contemporaries, which features the work of YOON Jung-sik, PARK Sugeun, and LEE Jung-seob. YOON Jung-sik’s Friends and Contemporaries highlights the vivid history of the featured artists who pursued their work while sharing in the pain of the Japanese colonial period, the liberation period, and the Korean War. In addition, the exhibited works and materials represent their formative experiments and trace their efforts to achieve their own style in relation to the introduction of modern Western painting. This exhibition provides an opportunity to examine the artistic sensibilities of a group of artists with shared cultural experiences shaped by the turbulent modern history of Korea and to look back on the passion and originality of these artists who forged a prominent place in the art world.

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03015 서울 종로구 홍지문1길 4 (홍지동44) 김달진미술연구소 T +82.2.730.6214 F +82.2.730.9218