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올해의 작가상 2017 Korea Artist Prize 2017


올해의 작가상

2017 Korea Artist Prize 2017

9.13 – 2018.2.18.

국립현대미술관 서울관 (B1-22)

MMCA Seoul


Exhibition Poster


‘올해의 작가상’은 국립현대미술관과 SBS문화재단이 공동 주최하여 올해 6회째를 맞이하는 수상제도로서, 한국현대미술을 대표할 역량있는 작가를 전시하고 후원함으로써 한국현대미술문화의 발전을 도모하고자 마련되었다. 올해는 써니 킴(1969- ), 백현진(1972- ), 박경근 (1978- ), 송상희(1970- )가 선정되었다. 4명의 작가는 포트폴리오 심사 및 작가 스튜디오 현장 인터뷰를 통해 선발되었으며, 서울관 1, 2전시실에서 신작을 선보인다. 오는 12월에는 2차 심사를 통해 최종 수상자 1인이 선정될 예정이다. 1전시실에서 써니 킴은 ‘어둠에 뛰어들기’라는 주제 아래 회화와 설치작업으로 공간을 연출하며, 내재된 기억과 잃어버린 것들에 대한 심리적 영역을 실제 공간으로 불러낸다. 이어지는 백현진의 <실직폐업이혼부채자살휴게실>은 도피처이자 휴게실, 명상의 장소이자 복합문화공간을 재현한다. 2전시실에서는 박경근이 ‘몸통 없는 내장’이란 주제로 로봇 군상의 일률적인 제식 동작을 연출하고 빛과 색채는 움직이는 조각들에 반응한다. 송상희는 종말과 생성의 관계들을 아기 장수 설화를 바탕으로 한 <다시 살아나거라, 아가야>에서 영상, 사진, 드로잉을 통해 섬세하게 읽어낸다.


In its 6th year as of 2017, Korea Artist Prize is prepared to promote the development of Korean modern art culture by exhibiting and supporting talented artists who can best represent Korean modern art. This year, the artists Sunny KIM, BEK Hyun-jin, PARK Kelvin Kyung-Kun, and SONG Sang-hee were selected. Their new works will be shown at Gallery 1 and 2 of MMCA Seoul. In this coming December, the final winner will be selected through the second screening. At Gallery 1, Sunny KIM organizes the place with paintings and installations under the theme of Leap in the Dark. She draws upon the psychological domain regarding underlying memories and what are forgotten into a real space. BEK Hyun-jin’s  

<UnemploymentBankruptcyDivorceDebtSuicideRest Stop> represents a refuge, a resting area, and a place for meditation as well as a multipurpose space. At Gallery 2, PARK Kelvin Kyung-Kun presents a crowd of robots moving uniformly with light and colors responding to their motions, under the theme of Organs without a body. SONG Sang-hee depicts relations between the end and formation of things in Come back alive baby based on the folk tale of a baby commander through films, photographs, and drawings.

하단 정보


03015 서울 종로구 홍지문1길 4 (홍지동44) 김달진미술연구소 T +82.2.730.6214 F +82.2.730.9218