

  • 트위터
  • 인스타그램1604
  • 유튜브20240110


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조선백자 제기의 미와 현대미술과 만남 The Beauty of Joseon’s White Porcelain Jegi and Contemporary Art: An Encounter


조선백자 제기의 미와 현대미술과 만남

The Beauty of Joseon’s White Porcelain Jegi and Contemporary Art: An Encounter

6.7 - 7.16 



김환기, 메아리, 1964, 캔버스에 유채, 84×169cm

KIM Whanki, Echo, 1964, Oil on canvas, 84×169cm

10년 전부터 현대화랑은 우리의 옛 문화를 전시로 기획하여 국내 외에서 큰 호응을 받아왔다. 이번 전시는 그 연장선으로 조선백자제기를 하나의 유물적 관점 보다는 뛰어난 조형미를 지닌 미술품으로 재해석하고, 현대 추상 작가의 작품과 한 공간에 선보여 조선백자제기의 조형미와 현대미술이 갖는 특성을 대비시켜 시대를 초월한 조형미에 관한 담론을 나누고자 한다. 조선 시대 제기는 검소함을 미덕으로 삼은 선비 사상을 반영하여 일체의 장식을 배제하고 오로지 백색과 기하학적 직선으로만 이루어져 있다. 그 절제된 형태미란 거의 순수조형에 가깝다. 김환기, 정상화, 유희영의 추상 작품에도 극도로 절제된 조형추구가 확인된다. 이 세 작가의 공통점은 수없이 반복되어 빚은 손작업이라는 것이며 그 단조롭고 수고스러운 반복을 축적하는 과정을 통해 절제의 미학이라는 순수조형 목표에 도달한 것이다.

조선백자제기와 현대미술 간의 동질성과 이질성, 즉 둘 사이의 미적 조화와 충돌을 통해 특별히 조선백자제기만이 가지는 보편적이며 독창적인 미학의 세계를 찾아내고자 한다.

Gallery Hyundai presents ‘The Beauty of Joseon’s White Porcelain Jegi and Contemporary Art: An Encounter’. For more than a decade, Gallery Hyundai’s exhibitions exploring traditional Korean culture have received acclaim at home and abroad. Building on this legacy, the current exhibition offers a reinterpretation of Joseon Dynasty white porcelain jegi as artworks of outstanding sculptural beauty rather than simple historical artifacts, juxtaposing the vessels against works of contemporary abstract art to prompt discourse on the timeless nature of sculpture and form. Through this exploration of the commonalities and differences between Joseon white porcelain jegi and contemporary art, tracing both the harmonies and conflicts between the two, we set out to discover an aesthetic world unique to Joseon white porcelain jegi that is as universal as it is original.

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03015 서울 종로구 홍지문1길 4 (홍지동44) 김달진미술연구소 T +82.2.730.6214 F +82.2.730.9218