

  • 트위터
  • 인스타그램1604
  • 유튜브20240110


인쇄 스크랩 URL 트위터 페이스북 목록

최혜정 : 기다리기

  • 상세정보
  • 전시평론
  • 평점·리뷰
  • 관련행사
  • 전시뷰어

최혜정 개인전
4.8 (수) - 4.13 (화)  11:00 - 18:30
가가 갤러리

내러티브 아트, 아티스트북, 드로잉

When an inspiration arrives, I work in two different ways to explain my thoughts. One image which communicates visually only with his own parts could be concluded as a study about a narrative in one image. I take materials to conceive one frame work. I try to do a plastic study of materials and esthetic study which matches with narrative intern of an image. On the other hand, several images juxtaposed could be shown as a sequential work at the end. I give a literary structure on my thoughts to divide again it into some images, not only paralinguistically but also plastically conceived. I don't hesitate to choose multiple sheets of paper. These two methods demand studies on the history and the story also. I want that my study provides training myself to get fruits of both sides'  labor.

I wish my work tuned with visual and substantial rationality. When the first inspiration pass and a solid structure of the narrative is accomplished in my head, I search for a suitable externals of work to match the context with. This effort to match its context and visual form makes me learn analyzing the esthetic elements on my images again and once more. It demands a certain passion for an aesthetic. The latest two works conclude to get a form of a concertina book of which the shape permits to explain efficiently  each narrative. We can see those stories of which the end returns back to the beginning like an Oroboros' snake. The concertina structure matches well to an eternal recurrence structure of its literary narrative. In the series of 'Thoughts', I take the collage as a method to show an isolation between the subjective and objective world. It could be an another match between a content and a visual form which I would like to try always.

And my working process is phsically based on a hand drawing and developed as unlimited or limited editions with digital printing technique. A step of hand drawing gives always a pleasure of dessin and the depth of thoughts.

In respect of literary substance, we can always see someone in solitude at my narratives. It's my main subject actually. Even if the person sees a communication with someone, that's just for an occasion to verify his solitary existence. This solitude does not mean a despair here, but a primitive condition to live his own life and to get a veritable identification. It can be hardly denied that's one of the difficult way to live. But it can't be deniable that sometimes people need an isolation in time, spatially and psychologically, also. It helps to think about why you live at least, even if we can hardly answer to it perfectly. 

<Bird 176~210, digital printing, 123x126cm, 2015>

<Bird 281~315, digital printing, 123x126cm, 2015>

<Bird, Artists’ book, fold22x56cm/unfolded about 480x56cm, 2014>

가가 갤러리
181-1,Insadong Jongno gu Seoul (110-290) Korea
TEL: +82(0)2 725 3546 / FAX: +82(0)2 725-3546
E-mail: gagagallery@hanmail.net

*오프닝은 없습니다. 작가와의 만남은 전시 첫날인 4월 8일입니다.

하단 정보


03015 서울 종로구 홍지문1길 4 (홍지동44) 김달진미술연구소 T +82.2.730.6214 F +82.2.730.9218